Thursday, March 8, 2007

Best Garbage Ever

This morning at 2:50am we were all awakened by air raid sirens. We’ve heard them go off before, but it’s very weird to be hearing them in the middle of the night in Germany (you know, all those war movies) Presumably, they do like we do in the US and use them in case of emergency…and for now, just to test them. But then, why are they testing them in the middle of the night? Guitarman thought maybe it was a fire alarm kind of thing or something. But if it were an emergency we wouldn’t even know. I suppose if they went around with loudspeakers we would know that *something* was up, but we’d be clueless as to what. That feels weird.

Today was recycling pickup for the trash. They only pick up regular trash here once every 2 weeks. And recycling pickup is once a month. We have a big blue trash bin that’s for recycling… paper and cardboard. Then we have a small black trash bin that is for regular garbage (non-recyclable stuff)… and it is definitely small. Not tiny, but not as big as a regular trash can back home. Then we have “yellow bags” which are, in fact, yellow bags. They are very thin, translucent, rather fragile plastic. They are for plastic, metal, Styrofoam, etc. Glass has to be taken to a recycling bin around town, but only during approved hours. (Remember Guitarman’s comment about recycling.)

When we first saw the size of our trash bin, we were like, “Holy crap, that’s for 2 weeks? No way,” and Guitarman was taking our trash to the base to be thrown away at first. Then I realized that we didn’t really have that much regular trash since recycling is so accessible here, so I wanted to try living like a local. And now we’ve made it a full cycle and our bins were only probably ¾ full and we had 2 yellow bags. First time in my life I’ve been proud of my trash.

On the way out of the base today, Wee Laddie and I got to see a helicopter take off from the helipad right next to the road. It was pretty cool to see… we were very close.

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