Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Ka-chow! (Ka-tschau!)

Wee Laddie is completely in love with the “Cars” movie. He wants to watch it every day… more than once, even, if we’d let him. I let him watch it more often than I probably should, but he actually chooses to watch it in German pretty much all the time! He’s begun using, “Ka-chow!” as part of his regular vocabulary. It’s very cute.

Had exercise class today. We’re not doing the yoga anymore and the weather was warm today, so we did a power walk (with some jogging, squats and arm work with elastic bands thrown in) around the area by the gym and the mess hall. It was tough. Zoe, one of the moms we see at stuff all the time was there and she was like, “She’s an animal! Is it always this hard??” Maria (the instructor) really can kick your ass.

Guitarman was on shift today, so we didn’t see him at lunch. Wee Laddie had a short nap (those always stress me ‘cause I KNOW he’s still tired), but we braved dinner out… at the bowling alley. Today was the first time I’ve *really* missed restaurants back home. It was such a nice day, weatherwise. And it’s staying light later now. It would have been a perfect evening to go somewhere downtown & have a yummy burger on the patio or something.

I’m really doing pretty well with the food thing. I think I was so prepared for not being able to have Mexican food AT ALL, but I’m able to buy so much more of it at the grocery store than when I lived in Chester. I mean, yeah, I’d LOVE to go out and have a great Mex dinner (and I’d probably knock someone down to pry a Chipotle bag from their hands!), but it’s not SO bad to just make what I can make at home. And the commissary has most things, even if the selection isn’t huge.

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