Wednesday, March 28, 2007

I Wanna Be Like Daddy

Wee Laddie is still talking about that ONE day that I had the drivers’ test class on base… he always points out the building and says, “Mommy go class in there.” Since he knows where that one is I thought he might like to know where my Deutsch class is, so we drove by the Hauptschule on the way home from lunch today. It’s farther down the road that the train station is on… and that road loops around and comes back through Stadtmitte (city center… the “downtown” of Parsberg, if you will). When we got to Stadtmitte, Wee Laddie started saying, “By bills. By bills!” I’m like, “I’m not sure what you mean, sweetheart.” He said, “By bills. Ding dong!” He was pointing out that we were by the bells that we hear all the time. They must have chimed the other day when we were walking around with Christina and he remembered where we were. What a communicator this little guy is!

Later in the day we had a little bit of toddler grumpiness to deal with. I was sort of poking Wee Laddie in the tummy to see if I could get him to laugh. He made a grumpy face and said, “No. My tummy!” I busted out laughing.

Wee Laddie’s been using the phrase “I guess so” for a while now. His use of it cracks me up, though. He’ll be begging and whining for something… sounding like he’s utterly desperate. I’ll say, “Oh, you’d like to have some juice, would ya?” He’ll shrug and say, “I guess so.”

He’s also starting to want to do things “like Daddy.” If I try to get him to sit on the potty, he tells me, “Stand up. Like Daddy.” He doesn’t do it for everything (yet. I’m sure it’s coming.) but does it for a pretty good variety of things… things he’ll eat, the way he’s sitting or standing. It’s really quite adorable.

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