Friday, March 2, 2007

Nein! Nein!

A little while after Kids’ Club today I asked Wee Laddie, “You like Johanna, right?” He looked at me and started shouting, “Nein, nein!” Haha. He didn’t mean “no,” he just said that because it’s what Johanna says all the time.

Guitarman is not loving his job here. First off, most of his coworkers don’t appear to be too bright. (I’ll leave out Gman’s harsher remarks.) Then, they’re not software engineers, even though they’re supposed to be. They are doing network and sys admin stuff and when Guitarman commented on it, one of his coworkers said, “You must not have worked in software before. This is what we do.” (Haha, those of you who know Guitarman can imagine the look on his face! He does, after all, have an MS in… wait for it… Software Engineering.) Guitarman said, “I’ve worked in software. My degree’s in software. This is not software. This is network administration.” (or something along those lines) Guitarman is very non-confrontational… unless you rile him up with BS that he finds offensive.

AFN (Armed Forces Network, one of our satellite services) doesn’t run regular commercials (they’re all military-oriented like things about how to not be a terrorist target and loads of messages about safe driving), so the times for shows are a bit off. They have some little shorts that they run in between programs. (Remember, we’ve only got AFN right now until the satellite guy comes back to give us our German channels back.) After “Go, Diego, Go” they run this really great short called “Open a Door.” It’s done by Ragdoll Studios… I feel like I’ve heard of them before. Anyway, it’s this really cool little show that features a different country in each episode and it’s a story (usually wordless) about a young child (5 and under, roughly) and a day in their life in whatever country they live in. We’ve seen ones on Norway, the Philippines, England, China…and some that I missed which country it was in. It’s such a great show that I sometimes encourage Wee Laddie to watch Diego just so we can see it.

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