Friday, March 16, 2007

Do You Know the Muffin Fish?

Kids’Club today. It was our new friends Angie and Abbey’s last (they leave tomorrow, headed back to the US). I’m sure the military people are used to this but it was kind of strange for me. One of the moms told her, “It’s a small army. I’m sure we’ll see you again.” But we probably won’t.

Abbey’s dad was there for part of Kids’ Club today, so Angie could check her email. (God, I remember being in that awful “we have no Internet access at home”) stage… Ugh. Anyway, we were hanging out with Abbey and her dad on the fish rug that’s sometimes there and Wee Laddie pointed at the jelly fish and said, “Is that? [pause] Muffin, maybe.” hehehe (That is dedicated to Christine.)

Still no freakin’ "Signing Time"… I’m starting to get really annoyed. My mom’s sent a bunch of stuff here, and it always seems to take exactly 7 calendar days. The DVDs are being sent from Utah, which should be the same. I wouldn’t be as annoyed if I didn’t know that they hadn’t cancelled the goofed-up order that went to the townhome (so those DVDs were probably there days ago).

No Daddy at lunch today… he was “on shift,” which means working all day…and that he has to pretty much be at the office. Wee Laddie took ages to eat. Man, I thought I was a slow eater… this kid makes me look like Speedy Gonzales. (And some of you know what an incredible feat that is!)

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