Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Raisin a Granola

In yoga class today, we used the big yoga/exercise balls. It was very wild & crazy! Much different than the usual calm, quiet, yoga-type class we usually have. The kids were all out of control, too, and there was a lot more crying than usual. Maria is changing the format of the class so that we’re doing more cardio stuff. I’m kind of bummed. I can do cardio on my own (not that I do, but I can), whereas I really need guidance with yoga. And my body is so stiff and off-balance these days that I think that’s really what I need more… before I can do the other stuff well, if that makes any sense.

We tried to go to the Musikgarten class at Musik Wittl in Parsberg, which I’ve been planning to try since we first got here. Wee Laddie got up from his nap in time so I asked if he wanted to go to a music class. He said no. Well, I didn’t believe that since he so rarely passes up an opportunity to be around other people. So I thought about it and realized that he has no idea what a music class is. So I told him there would be kids there… that it was like a playgroup with music. He said, “Baygoop?” I said, “Well, not regular playgroup, but there’ll be kids there and they’d be playing music.” Then he wanted to go. But it turns out that they’re not even having the class right now, because there’s not enough interest. Figures. I left my name & number so they can call me if they get enough people.

Wee Laddie is now asking for flaxseed on his waffle in the morning. Woohoo! :)

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