Monday, March 5, 2007

Half-Assed Tourists

The weather was *so* nice today (read: the sun was out) that we felt like we HAD to go do something outside. We drove up to Amberg & walked around. They have portions of the original medieval walls, but you can’t walk around the top of them like you can in Chester (England)… at least not that we could find.

The main, old part of town was kind of dirty & graffiti-covered, but we wandered a little more and came across an area that has buildings & bridges across the river. Like a tiny little Vicenza or something (not that I’ve ever been there). Much cuter than the old-town part. Of course, my camera battery ran out after like 2 photos, so I don’t have anything to post.

Spotted a health food store up the road from Burglengenfeld (where our swim group meets), so I’m going to have to go back up & check that out one day when it’s open. Soybean pasta, perhaps? One can hope.

We got 2 more movies for Wee Laddie yesterday, partly so I don’t have to watch “Cars” every day (thankfully it’s yet another astonishingly good Pixar flick… those people are amazing!). We got that barnyard one (the German version and I don’t remember the US title) and “Over the Hedge.” Watched the barnyard one last night (well, I was mostly on the phone) and it *so* does not seem toddler-appropriate. Co-moms, do you agree?

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