Monday, March 26, 2007

Close to Berserk

Had the usual mess hall weekend breakfast. Guitarman tried to put Wee Laddie down for a nap afterward, but it didn’t go well (that kid can resist a nap like no other I’ve seen before!). Guitarman ended up threatening no movies or playing with some new balls we’d gotten Wee Laddie if he didn’t nap and he didn’t. The threats were not my idea, but we had to follow through on it.

Took a little walk around town. There’s a place here that seems to be a psychiatric hospital of some kind and it has a drug/alcohol clinic attached to it. The funny thing is that the hospital is called a “Bezirkkrankenhaus”, but “bezirk” just means “district,” according to, despite sounding so similar to “berserk.”

Guitarman went to the Sunday night movie on base tonight. While he was gone, Wee Laddie hurt himself. It’s so stupid, ‘cause here’s how it went. I was getting aggravated with Wee Laddie’s stalling about bedtime. So we were in the bedroom and he shut off the light before he was changed into his PJs. So I said, “Wee Laddie, you need to turn the light back on.” He didn’t answer so I started counting (3-2-1) and that made him run…in the dark. (Can you see what’s coming?) So he ran over to the side of the bed where the light switch is, but he slipped on the laminate floor (those PJ feet don’t cover all sliding, that’s for sure) and I heard a loud thump followed by him crying. I turned on the light and he had blood pouring out of his mouth!

I had a moment of “Holy crap, I don’t even know where to take him in an emergency!” because although there is a hospital here in Parsberg, the hospitals here don’t all treat all things. And I don’t think our local hospital has pediatrics. I don’t know if they can do emergency stuff, if needed, or if I would’ve had to take him to Regensburg (about 45 minutes away). I debated the hospital thing for a little bit but the bleeding pretty much stopped and I got him to keep ice on his mouth for a couple of minutes. And sure, I had the whole Mommy-guilt thing about starting it with the counting (should have guessed what might happen and all that), but what can you do? Those little guys will get ya either way.


vet Kitty said...

I like this one!!

Anonymous said...

Glad you enjoyed it, whoever you are! :)