Wednesday, March 7, 2007

A Fish in Water

Wee Laddie *loves* swim group. Today he got a bit overzealous and was trying to jump to me from the side on his own (rather than waiting for me to count to 3 and help him jump), so he landed on the angular metal edge of the pool. Ouchie! Poor thing was wailing for a moment…I had a flash of “What might he have broken?” it was such a hard hit! And he’s not a whiner when he’s busy doing stuff, so the fact that he cried so hard worried me for a moment. But he settled down quickly and was fine again. Whew.

We went on the big slide for the 1st time at the pool. It is pretty cool. I was a little worried that it might be a little fast for Wee Laddie, but we went on it 4 times. After that we stopped ‘cause I was starting to get nauseated from the twisting. Ugh.

Wee Laddie is very enthused about the swimming, though. He’ll stick his mouth in and blow bubbles, and he loves to play in the water. He occasionally sputters a bit but it doesn’t slow him down any.

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