Thursday, March 29, 2007

First Sign Class

We had our first sign & music class this morning. We had a good turnout, despite the marketing stuff not being out everywhere. I hadn’t even seen the posters. (And some of you will be proud of me… I didn’t get all weird about wanting to be involved in the posters, what with the design/marketing background and all. I just let it go.) I took the first DVD in the Signing Time series. I’ve watched it before, but it was a while ago and I’ve seen other episodes since. It is at a very much slower pace than the other episodes I’ve seen. There were no songs. There were moments in the class where I was like, “Oh no, we’re losing them!” because the DVD felt so very long to me. I promised Brenda that the other ones are much better. I realize it’s the first one and all, but I think a remake is in order.

I mentioned to Guitarman that I was thinking about going to IKEA. He balked: “We’ve already spent so much on furniture.” Nevermind that we have 7 boxes stacked up in the dining room ‘cause there’s nowhere to put everything. (These aren’t boxes of crockpots and things that we don’t use all the time… they’re boxes of canned food, storage containers, boxed food, spices, etc.) Oy.

My mom had mentioned recently that vinegar is good for getting rid of water stains & mineral build-up. The water here has a very high mineral content and everything is always all spotty and chalky. I managed to find vinegar (essig) in the market recently so I tried it on our sink. Oh my, I was positively giddy at our once-again shiny sink! That stuff was phenomenal. Got the tea kettle all clean & nice, too. Thanks, Mom!

Guitarman left for Schweinfurt this morning. It’s up near Wurzburg. I guess it’s another training area and Guitarman’s group has to be on hand to troubleshoot during some exercise. He’ll be there until the day my mom gets here. We're planning to go up at the weekend and stay in the hotel with him. He'll be working from 7am-7pm, but at least we'll get to see him a little bit. I think it'll help Wee Laddie, too. He's been a little worried since he first heard about all of this.

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