Sunday, August 5, 2007

Js Out

Guitarman left very early this morning to take the Js back to the airport. It was early enough that he came home & went back to bed… and we were still sleeping.

Despite that start to the day, we still made a trip up to Würzburg to hit the ol’ Taco Bell. Well, we actually went up to see if they had a better selection of PDAs than our PX does down here, as I definitely need to replace mine. I did pretty well with the last one… I had it for probably about 5 years, and use it quite frequently. I haven’t always been good about keeping it sync’d up (I think I did it maybe twice, but that’s mainly because there was a weird Mac quirk about that so it always seemed like a bit of a hassle). Unfortunately that means I have lost some of my random ideas during that time. Around the time I moved to LA I had been feeling like I wasn’t really that creative and didn’t have good ideas and all that. For some reason (and I don’t remember now what the trigger was), I started carrying around one of those tiny little notebooks and jotting down ideas or interesting things I saw or whatever. And it made me realize that I do actually have lots of ideas, it’s just that they’re so fleeting (and I can’t usually remember them later) that if I don’t write them down they don’t even register on me. So a little tip for any of you who are feeling idea-challenged. And now those random ideas go into my PDA instead of a notebook.

After shopping (turns out they only had 2 PDAs, one of which was the one they have at our base) and lunch, we went over to our favorite playground… the one with the sandbox that Wee Laddie loves. There were several kids there today and about 5 or 6 parents, too. So we were semi-friendly but didn’t go sit next to them or anything. Ended up chatting with them a little bit… one couple is going to be moving to Hohenfels, so they probably weren’t thrilled to hear that we had come up for the day to go to the “big” PX. But, as Guitarman pointed out, at least they won’t be surprised. We found out that on the 15th there’s a vote about whether to close the Taco Bell or the Charley’s grilled sandwich placed. They’ve already got a Subway, so maybe Taco Bell will stay. If not, I guess we’ll be heading to Schweinfurt next time.

Wee Laddie got to play with the kids, so he was pretty stoked about that. And one boy said, “No way,” which tickled our son quite a bit. Not sure why.

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