Saturday, August 11, 2007

The Best Medicine

Mess hall’s on brunch hours. Wee Laddie woke up just a bit after 7am so I was going to make breakfast at home, but Guitarman figured it’d take us long enough to get ready that the mess hall would still work. So I got a leisurely shower and everything.

After breakfast we ran a couple of small errands and then went to the commissary. This recurrence of the gestational diabetes will mean more planning, menu-wise, since I can’t really just toss some pierogies in a pan and call it dinner. I was re-reading part of the Ultrametabolism book, though, and I think I might be able to incorporate more fiber (I still have some of those Metamucil fiber bars and I saw them at the commissary today, too) to help balance the glycemic load of some of the higher-carb meals. Once I’m monitoring my blood sugar again, it’ll be worth a check to see if it helps. And, if I look for the high-cocoa chocolates, I may still be able to eat some.

Last night at tuck-in, Wee Laddie told Guitarman he needed medicine. (He does this sometimes just because he likes medicine.) Guitarman told him that snuggles are the best medicine. He replied, “I need real medicine.”

This morning he told me, “I had headache yestertime.” I thought it was a really cool way to handle the past tense thing. I love the way his mind works.

Today’s naptime was pretty awful. Wee Laddie just would not fall sleep no matter what I did. I kept thinking I could eventually wear him down but it didn’t work. So I was extremely frustrated when I finally gave up and needed a time-out for a little bit to get it back together. (I really feel like a failure sometimes that after 2.5 years I still cannot get my child to sleep.) And, of course, the day was totally shot so we didn’t manage to do anything fun.

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