Monday, August 27, 2007

Freak Out

Had the rescheduled appt with the diabetes doc today. Again, I could not find the friggin’ office. I actually had to call them from the mall to have them help me. So I was about 10-15 minutes late, which probably cost us at least an hour. I was there for nearly 3 hours, all together. Wait… blood draw… wait… get moved to doc’s office… wait… talk with doc… wait… wait… wait… talk to nutritionist. And I’m supposed to go back in a week. Oh joy.

We barely made it to lunch before the mess hall closed. When we got home there was a message from the Klinik in Regensburg, saying that they had our results from the 1st trimester screen and to please call in the morning. Then another message from them saying that after discussion with the doctor, they thought we should really make an appointment and come in to discuss the results. Crap. I tried not to get too freaked out (easier said than done) before calling to see if they’d give me the odds over the phone. I called, they wouldn’t. All the woman said was, “It’s not bad, but it’s not good.” WTF? So we are supposed to go in tomorrow morning between 9 and 11 (we may have to wait ‘til she’s between appts). This is so stressful and I’m very freaked out that something’s seriously wrong.

Guitarman thinks they’re just going to reiterate essentially the same numbers (or better ones) and that they just want us to come in because there seems to be a cultural thing here where it’s totally fine to take lots & lots of time off work.

I did a bunch of research online tonight about Down syndrome, which is probably what we’d be looking at… unless they found something else. I’m not that scared of Downs after working around people who had it at the brace shop. There are some health issues that often come with it, so we’d have some extra stuff to deal with, but it’s so much less of an issue than the other trisomies.

Wee Laddie and I went to the library today and borrowed a “Jay Jay the Jet Plane” DVD. We were watching it tonight and there’s one part where a tow truck is driving across grass. My observant little guy is watching it and says, “The wheels not spinning.” The animators didn’t bother to animate the wheels. I was amazed that he noticed something like that.

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