Friday, June 15, 2007

Sesamstrasse Takes on Columbus

There was a really funny scene on Sesamstrasse this morning. The segment was about Christopher Columbus’ discovery of America. Obviously, I couldn’t understand most of it, but the part I got was that Christopher Columbus was arguing with the native Americans he’d met. They kept telling him, “America.” And he kept responding back, “India.” (I just *know* this isn’t going to be as funny when you all read it.) It cracked me up!

Today on the way to base I got annoyed. There’s this street I usually take that often has cars parked all along one side, and, since it’s a narrow German street, that leaves room for only one car to drive by. The general etiquette (and the law, too, I suspect) is that if the parked cars are in your driving lane, you yield to oncoming cars since their lane is open. Well, this morning there was a woman coming toward me who was totally ignoring that. Not a big deal, I know, but 6 months of dealing with Bavarian drivers makes me not feel so warm toward them. So I said, “Come on, what the f…” and stopped myself. My toddler, however, said, “Need some attention, Mom?” which is what I sometimes ask him when I feel that he’s acting inappropriately. hahaha It’s hard to argue with that.

I am kind of liking my hair at the moment. I had a stylist in Denver that I was pretty happy with. She’s a little expensive, but she nearly always does a great job on my hair. No easy feat, since I’m hard-pressed to like my hair in general. So of course, I got a haircut just before we left Denver. And I haven’t had it cut since then, except that I did trim it a bit before Grandma-Nana and Kaffee came out. I’ve decided to grow it out again, anyway, so it was just a small trim. It turned out okay. See?

1 comment:

Kristin said...

Ooooh, I am liking your hair too.

And the America/India humorous-ness was kinda lost on me but I did LOVE W.L.'s "need some attention, Mom?" What a hoot!