Sunday, May 6, 2007


Last night while Guitarman was tucking Wee Laddie in (we’re pretty much trading off every night, except that Guitarman always does Tuesdays while I’m at German class), Wee Laddie was making a bit of trouble. So Guitarman started counting. Wee Laddie got mad and told him, “No counting! That’s Mommy’s!” hehehe

After nap and all of the related hoopla, we went to walk around Neumarkt (which Wee Laddie calls “Toymarkt” ‘cause I mentioned wanting to go to a toy store there… it was closed by the time we got there today, of course). After feeling so close to Mexican food the other day, I thought it was worth and additional trip to see if we could find it. And, if we could, then maybe even to check out the menu & see if it looked worth a try. Couldn’t find any trace of it. The GPS should have led us right there, so I don’t know if it’s just been replaced with something else or if there was a data entry goof somewhere. Perhaps some malicious software engineer (no offense to Guitarman) who doesn’t like American ex-pats… “Ha, I’ll lead them on a wild goose chase for that silly Mexican food they always talk about missing!”

I shot a fun video of my feet as I walked… interesting to note the changes in the cobbles or whatever. I think I’ll incorporate it into a montage with photos of buildings & stuff that we saw there. I have a funny feeling that if I ever really get a chance to play around with video editing stuff (so like after Wee Laddie’s in school full-time, I suppose), it may serve as a backdrop of sorts for many things.

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