Tuesday, April 17, 2007


I’m up two pounds. Ugh. Must cut out bread. I’m watching really closely now that I have a scale. I sure don’t want my weight to get back up to where it was before… that was not a good place to be. The new scale I got is metric, so it’s not as detailed as I’m used to. Yeah, it’s only a pound or so, but I’m really keeping track of the halves now, since half a kilo is more than a whole pound!

Man, our next door neighbors are noisy. There is something about the way the two houses are positioned, or the types of construction they are or something… but from the master bedroom here, the neighbors sound so loud it’s like they’re in the room with you. Not so bad from the next room (guest room) even though that window faces their back deck directly. I’m sure they have no idea how often they thwart our nap efforts… and of course I don’t speak enough German (or Turkish) to be able to ask them if they could please stop shouting in the backyard. At least in the afternoon.

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