Friday, April 27, 2007

Not Sorry Yet

Missed part of Kids’ Club. (There was some drama in the online moms’ group whilst I slept, and I was reading just a little bit of it because it was sort of all related to something I had posted. Accidentally posted, but it shouldn’t have been a big deal. It so was. Oy.)

When we finally did get to Kids’ Club, Wee Laddie spent part of it in time-out for pulling Johanna’s hair and then refusing to apologize. More, “Not yet,” from my son. Gonna have to work on this apology thing.

At lunch I had a short meeting with Brandi from ACS. I thought we should meet since I’m volunteering through her department, really, and she wanted to talk about our backup plan should Wee Laddie or I be sick or something on Sign workshop day. It was nice to meet her. I actually see her all the time at the mess hall (I just figured it out the other day after seeing her photo in the Bavarian-American magazine the Army puts out), so she had even figured out who I was before we spoke, just by my description that “I eat there all the time with my husband and toddler son.” Egads, we're so predictable.

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