Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Easter Monday. Who Knew?

So, apparently Easter Monday is a major German holiday. Grandma wanted to go to IKEA (she’s never been to one, and I’m always up for a trip to a cool furniture store w/someone who wants to be there), so we drove up. On the way out of town I noticed that the Netto (grocery store) was closed and thought, “Hmm… I wonder if IKEA will be open.” They weren’t. I thought they might be, since they’re so big. You know, like how stores like Best Buy and Target are open on days when other stores might be closed. Anyway. We stopped off at an Autohof (place on the autobahn to stop, go potty, eat, etc.) and there was a Burger King there. First time I’ve had German Burger King. I swear, the fast food places make better food here. They have wedges in addition to fries so I got those. The only chicken nuggety things they have are actual nuggets, but they weren’t all dry & stuff. But they don’t have milk, so I had to go next door (after the poor cashier had to come out and point so I could understand what he was trying to tell me… god it sucks not speaking the local language well enough!) to get one for Wee Laddie. He was being a troublemaker, kept getting out of his seat (gonna have to watch out for seats that are too far from the table in future) so we had to go out to the car before he and I had finished eating. I was going to just sit in the car, but when I was putting him in his seat he was saying, “No time out,” so I’m like damn… gotta make it a time-out now. That consistency thing is a bitch.

After that nonsense, we drove into Regensburg. I thought Grandma might like a quick look around so we parked by the Wurstküche and walked over the old stone bridge. Then along the river and back over a shorter, more open bridge (chosen by Grandma so Wee Laddie could see the river as we crossed it.) He was totally exhausted again on this walk. I’ve seen him do a slow, tired walk before… but never 2 days in a row unless he’s sick.

Headed home after that and made chicken stir-fry (yes, from a package… we can get a really yummy one at the commissary… Contessa brand) over whole wheat spaghetti. Yum. Tomorrow is Grandma’s last full day here. Boo! Wee Laddie and I are sure going to miss her! Wee Laddie was kind of sad while I was reading his bedtime story to him. I don’t know if he’s getting it that she’s leaving soon or what, but he was saying something to me (unfortunately I couldn’t understand it) and trying not to cry. Poor little monkey. Hopefully I can cheer him up with talk of our next visitors… Aunt Kathi and Grandma-Nana are coming next month.

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