Sunday, April 22, 2007

Nice to Meet You

The mess hall is on brunch hours (9:30-1:00) this weekend so we ate at home. And of course we didn’t know the hours ahead of time, so we went onto base this morning. I so enjoy the breakfast there… it’s like our old Atlanta Bread Company habit, but cheaper and yummier. The usually have a full selection of breakfast yummies… eggs (scrambled, fried or hard boiled), bacon, sausage, potatoes, biscuits, gravy, pancakes/waffles/french toast, fruit, breads… it’s quite a nice option to have.

Had to stop by Guitarman’s office to print a document and fax a form (we have an offer on the condo that is scheduled to close next month) and it was a complete nightmare! For a bunch of computer people, they sure aren’t set up very well! Wee Laddie met a guy that Guitarman works with named Mike. Mike was showing him some stuff on the computer, and after a while he got around to introducing himself. He showed Wee Laddie how to shake hands and told him, “Nice to meet you.” So now Wee Laddie is running around sticking his hand out and saying, “Nice to meet you.”

We came home for nap, and while we did that, Guitarman went to a bike store with a guy from work. It’s an apparently humongous bike store in Regensburg, so I’m sure Guitarman was in cycling heaven. He ended up deciding to buy a bike from the guy he works with, who is apparently a competitive rider and gets some really nice bikes for free. So while not free, Guitarman will get a good price for the quality of bike he’s getting.

Went back to the base later for the Deutsch-Amerikan Volksfest. They’ve had signs up for this for quite some time and I kept thinking “Ooooh, I bet there’ll be lots of actual germans there… shyeah, right.” Well it turns out that they have these festivals all over the place this time of year, and I think I may have seen more Germans than Americans. We got burritos for dinner. I know, what morons. A carnival burrito? Those aren’t even good back home. ‘Nough said.


Kristin said...

Oooh...I love Atlanta Bread Company. I wish I could have a mess hall spread option. Yum.

Anonymous said...

I almost feel bad telling you that it's also only $2/each. (Yeah, Wee Laddie counts, but it's still a crazy-good deal!)

Not sure if it's more fun than Krispy Kreme Day, though! ;)