Saturday, February 17, 2007

The Wrong Threat

This morning before Guitarman left for work Wee Laddie told him, 'Mommy snuggle.' When Guitarman gave me a hug Wee Laddie went, 'Aaaaawww!'

Then when Guitarman left for work, Wee Laddie told him, 'Peace out.' Cousin Dyami would be so proud. :)

Had the first playgroup at our house today. It was nice…the kids played really well together and the moms are all really nice. And involved. There were 3 other mom-tot sets. We had a couple of minor skirmishes but the sharing went very well overall. I was very proud of the way Wee Laddie handled himself…he’s still not very used to sharing HIS toys with other kids. I made a big deal out of praising him for it and told Guitarman twice, to give Wee Laddie some positive reinforcement.

We were going to go to the mess hall for lunch but we had one of those moments where I chose the wrong threat (From the front seat: 'If you don’t hand me the pen 3-2-1, we’re going back home.') and then had to stick to it. I sure hope this Love & Logic stuff works. I can totally see why parents sometimes aren’t good at follow-through…I really wanted to go have lunch with Guitarman, not turn around and then have to make lunch for Wee Laddie and myself.

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